
Retifica Ituiutaba is a company located in Ituiutaba, city of Triângulo Mineiro.
Offers rectification services for engines in general, pumps and injectors.
Its operational staff is qualified and constantly improving.
There are more than 35 in the market, it is a reference throughout the region, in quality services and in the professional relationship with its customers and partners.
Retifica Ituiutaba works with ethanol, gasoline and diesel engines, and with BOSCH and DELPHI pumps and injectors.

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We are equipped with state-of-the-art machines and high-precision instruments for the repair of alcohol, gasoline and diesel engines, with full guarantee of our services.
The company has one of the most efficient pump and nozzle repair services in the region.
In addition to technical care when machining components, another criterion to ensure the original characteristics of your engine is the use of original parts.

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Retifica Ituiutaba has an ample stock of parts from the best manufacturers in Brazil, both for light and heavy vehicles.
This diversity of products is due to the company's seriousness in offering its customers the best to keep their vehicles in perfect working order.

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